


通过结识新朋友来发现归属感是什么样子, 分享回忆, 让自己沉浸在MNU悠久的传统中.



New Student Orientation is designed to help students make a successful transition to MNU.



电子邮件: studev@atanangle.net





Your college journey at MidAmerica Nazarene University begins with 太阳亮度 and Freshman Seminar. 在太阳, 25岁以下本科新生, 包括通勤和换乘, engage in a comprehensive orientation process designed to support your transition to college life at MNU. 每个新生都将成为一个小组的一部分,共同探索太阳亮度. Our first-time freshmen will also continue meeting with this group for the length of the fall semester. We believe these freshman groups are vital to successfully joining in our community and will begin to help you connect with the MNU experience.

在太阳, you will learn what it means to become a Pioneer and will receive the necessary knowledge to prepare for classes. 你会参加高能量的大型团体活动, 学习如何照顾你的精神, 情感, 以及社会需求, 并开始为学业成功制定计划. 你还会遇到我们许多了不起的教职员工和学生领袖.

We hope you will catch a spirit of excitement and feel a sense of belonging as you adjust to life at MNU. We look forward to the start of each year when our campus gets new life with your arrival. We’re sure this time will kickstart a fantastic year making memories and friendships. 我们等不及你加入MNU了. 从这里开始!

太阳亮度是欢迎新生入学的必修课, 通勤者, 25岁以下的转移.


问题? 联系学生发展部913.971.3297

6:00 pm 宿舍开始迁入[环城大道]


晚上8:30 - 10点 Ice Cream Social [Cunningham]



登记 & 终结(Cunningham)




11:00 am 自助餐厅开业[坎宁安]



\\\\\\ nso所需事件//////

2:45 pm 开幕大会[贝尔]

4:00 pm 新生研讨会开始

5:30 pm 晚餐(做饭)

7:30 pm “拓荒者的生活”和播种


播种祷告: 是时候和父母说再见了

9:30 pm 通勤/转乘方[坎宁安]

9:30 pm 新生宿舍派对[lanphher /Stockton大厅]

9:45 am 清淡早餐[铃声]

10:00 am 敬拜(贝尔)

11:30 am 午餐(Cunningham)

1:15 pm 社区话题[Bell]

3:45 pm Pioneer games [Cunningham]


可选 下午5点后的活动

5:00 pm 晚餐(Cunningham)

5:00 pm 7:00 pm

连接 & 玩(Cunningham)

7:00 pm 空闲时间😊

8:00 am 祈祷走 可选 Weatherby []

8:30 am 早餐(Cunningham)

9:00 am 准备第一天的课程


12:00 pm 午餐(Cunningham)

1:00 pm 学者开放办公时间

1:00 – 3:00 pm 还有问题吗?? 工作人员 & 教师将提供帮助.


*Campus offices will be open until 5:00 pm for students to finalize class registration and account payment details.


完成你的 招生的清单

然后是时候 开始包装 开始像拓荒者一样思考!



We kick off the start of each new school year with a sand volleyball tournament, Rootbeer花车和其他户外游戏. 这是我们迎新周的一部分,每晚都有活动.

俱乐部 & 组织

Associated Student Government provides an opportunity for the students of MidAmerica Nazarene University to make a contribution to the campus community.

This can be done through a leadership role or by being an active participant in its activities and programs. Responsibilities of the Associated Student Government include sponsoring social activities, 鼓励学术卓越, 营造有利于心灵成长的环境, 并在董事会和行政部门代表学生团体. 这些活动为学生提供了宝贵的经验. It is hoped that the citizenship skills acquired at MidAmerica Nazarene University will lead to a lifetime of citizenship. In this respect, Associated Student Government plays an important role in the educational process.

Associated Student Government provides an opportunity for the students of MidAmerica Nazarene University to make a contribution to the campus community.

This can be done through a leadership role or by being an active participant in its activities and programs. Responsibilities of the Associated Student Government include sponsoring social activities, 鼓励学术卓越, 营造有利于心灵成长的环境, 并在董事会和行政部门代表学生团体. 这些活动为学生提供了宝贵的经验. It is hoped that the citizenship skills acquired at MidAmerica Nazarene University will lead to a lifetime of citizenship. In this respect, Associated Student Government plays an important role in the educational process.

全国大学商业荣誉协会的MNU分会. 它的存在是为了表彰商学院学生的杰出学术成就.

教育工作者崛起学院 is an organization equipping professional teacher candidates to become teacher leaders servicing learning communities by providing opportunities for leadership, professional development beyond course requirements and networking with local teachers and administrators. This group hosts the annual honors evening for education majors, The Education Jubilation.

Enactus是一个将学生聚集在一起的国际组织, academic and business leaders who are committed to entrepreneurial action to enable progress around the world. 你和你的同事可以完全掌控要执行的项目, 和谁一起工作, 如何协调项目, 以及在项目上投入多少时间.


星期五9:30 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. 在梅斯117



An interdenominational Christian sports ministry to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

去组织 are campus service groups that are involved in going to Olathe and 堪萨斯城 communities and serving the people in these places. 有各种各样的机会为老年人服务, 低收入家庭, 有特殊需要人士, 和更多的, 可以在这些组中使用. 去组织让我们的校园把我们的信仰付诸行动,因为我们爱最后, 最少的, 而被遗漏的部分.

Students from all majors come together to appreciate 历史 in a variety of activities. 其中包括邀请演讲嘉宾, 参观本地博物馆, 或者游览堪萨斯城附近的历史遗迹.










护理专业学生的组织, 哪个存在是为了促进护理职业的理想和目的.

The Student Investment Club’s purpose is to learn about the importance of wise investing. 投资目标, 回报计量, 资金的其他用途, 安全市场, 以及风险因素, 税, 以及投资管理的其他方面. You will learn to be Biblically responsible with investing by screening investments

国际教育荣誉和专业协会. 我们的使命是为教育行业提供领导, 促进各级教育的学术卓越, 为会员提供领导力发展, 营造专业成长的环境, 并表彰杰出的教育工作者.

全国心理学荣誉学会的MNU分会. 这个组织的存在是为了促进心理学的发展.

学生多元化委员会(SDC)是一个多元化的团体, 年轻的, passionate students who want to make a difference on campus and in the surrounding community by promoting appreciation and awareness of the variety of cultures at MNU. SDC hosts several events throughout the year to promote diversity and inclusion. The SDC is an official council under 学生联会(ASG) and holds annual elections for student leadership positions.

如果你有兴趣加入学生多元化委员会, 请联系Seth Watkins, 学生发展助理 scwatkins@atanangle.net.



堪萨斯城, 密苏里州, 是一个充满活力的运动爱好者中心吗, 提供各种各样的团队和活动,吸引球迷全年. 这座城市体育文化的核心是堪萨斯城酋长队, 美国橄榄球联盟的卫冕冠军, whose electrifying games at Arrowhead Stadium are a must-see for football aficionados. 对于那些被足球吸引的人来说, the KC当前 Women’s Soccer team represents the city with skill and passion in the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL), 展示了顶级的运动能力和团队精神. 与此同时, 棒球爱好者在考夫曼体育场为KC皇家队加油, 在美国职业棒球大联盟的赛季里,那里的气氛总是很激烈. 不管你是在看箭头镇的触地得分, 目睹了一场与KC洋流的激动人心的足球比赛, 或者和皇家一起享受美国人最喜欢的消遣, 堪萨斯城 promises unforgettable sports experiences for newcomers to the metro.


KC boasts an array of cultural and historical attractions that enrich the experience of living near Olathe, 堪萨斯. 纳尔逊-阿特金斯艺术博物馆是卓越艺术的灯塔, housing a world-class collection that spans thousands of years and includes renowned masterpieces from around the globe. 考夫曼表演艺术中心, 学生们可以沉浸在这座城市充满活力的表演艺术中, 拥有令人惊叹的建筑和芭蕾舞阵容, 交响乐团, 以及迎合不同口味的百老汇演出. 对历史感兴趣的人可以去国家一战博物馆 & 纪念 offers a profound journey through one of the defining chapters of the 20th century, 在纪念那些服役人员的纪念碑的背景下. These attractions not only showcase 堪萨斯城’s cultural richness but also offer students in Olathe a chance to explore and engage with art, 历史, 和他们最好的表演.

食物 & 饮料

KC是餐饮爱好者的宝库, 如果你是一名品味非凡的本科生, 你一定会想去看看乔的堪萨斯城酒吧, 的Roasterie, 还有麦克莱恩面包店. Joe’s 堪萨斯城 Bar-B-Que is a must-visit for its legendary ribs and brisket, slow-cooked to perfection and slathered in mouthwatering sauces that make every bite a celebration. 想喝点咖啡, 烘焙店提供令人惊叹的本地烘焙咖啡豆选择, so you can fuel your late-night study sessions with some of the best brews in town. 当谈到满足你对甜食的嗜好时, 麦克莱恩面包店为你准备了美味的饼干, 蛋糕, 和糕点, 完美的学习休息时间或款待与朋友分享. These local gems make 堪萨斯城 a delicious destination for any student craving exceptional eats and drinks.



国家一战博物馆 & 纪念

" class="hidden">河北旅游职业学院